Chambers of Compassion: How They Work (Background & Description Page; PARTS 3 to 7)

You are here:

Phase Three of the Speaking Tour--also on Zoom:

Background and Description


This Parts 3 to 7 page (below) contains the "background and description" of 

our Chambers of Compassion's "how they work" sections.

Thus, what you find below is the descriptive continuation of the introduction 

and summary step-by-step procedures sections (parts 1 & 2) that are 

contained in our reference "mother" page, found at this link: 


"IF [we] build it, they will come."

Parts 3 to 7 

<<< Continued from Parts 1 & 2, linked above


The "Chambers of Commerce" Analogy (Part One)


1- As outlined in Parts 1 and 2, Chambers of Compassion try to build, initially locally (and later on regionally, nationally, and eventually globally) an integrated infrastructure for systemic collaboration across diverse nonviolent community-rooted civil society causes and struggles, i.e., we try to "defrag" our presently highly fragmented civil society.

2- Whereas for-profit corporations have been savvy enough to build the institution of "Chambers of Commerce" for the purpose of nurturing SYSTEMIC COLLABORATION ACROSS DIVERSE INDUSTRIES (despite the fact that these corporations compete with each other), WE the People need to build "Intersectional Circles" (or Chambers of Compassion) to help build SYSTEMIC COLLABORATION ACROSS DIVERSE CAUSES, i.e., peace, justice, democracy, human rights, Earth protection, etc. 

3- In other words, in the same way that “Chambers of Commerce” do not produce or offer any product or service of their own, our Chambers of Compassion do not promote or favor any particular civil society cause, so that the Chamber can be (and remain) an unbiased “agenda-free” welcoming infrastructure for un-selfish systemic collaboration across diverse civil society struggles and causes.

4- Thus, to form a Chamber of Compassion civil society persons and groups of an area come together, in order to begin the process of realizing a not-for-profit movement of movements for authentically sustainable transformation toward true civility on our deeply distressed Grandmother Earth.  

5- More information about the "Chambers of Commerce" analogy (part 2), below. 



1- In the patient building process of this compassion-centered systemic infrastructure for intersectional collaboration, our Chambers of Compassion strive to empower and inspire the often discouraged "activist" communities, especially the youth. Thus, we try to capture their attention and indeed imagination. 

2- This systemic civil society co-empowerment is critical to our creative ability to make "movement of movements" NEWS, in the process of building the needed critical mass for deeply impactful nonviolent change. 

3- The heart of this "Socratic" integration process (see below) is retaining, and indeed cherishing--by definition--the unique and needed roles of all participating actors within the civil society, while facilitating an effective  process of "indigenous" mutual co-empowerment to EFFECTIVELY  actualize systemic synergistic sustained impact.  



The "Socratic" Integration Process

1- Perhaps the most critical characteristic of the Chambers of Compassion Movement of Movements initiative is that the "Socratic Chambers" we create, have (by design) no ideology, religion, spirituality, project, action, or any agenda of their own, except for fostering authentic nonviolence as a foundational common ground value and practice.

What is "Socratic" Integration?

2- Socratic Integration is a method of creating (or enhancing) synergistic systemic collaboration, hence sustained impact, based on finding answers to this simple (yet difficult) open-ended diversity-enhancing movement-building “Socratic” Question:

How can we, as actors, maintain our identities and missions while also building bridges of collaboration with other civil society persons or groups in our area? (Eventually resulting in a sustained and integrated movement of movements across our various nonviolent civil society causes.)

Socratic Inquiry (i.e., open-ended question) 

Integra-Cumulative Impact 

3- In other "Socratic inquiry" words: 

How can we, regardless of our valued and diverse causes, begin (or continue/grow) the systemic process of INTEGRATING the results of the actions and efforts of the civil society of our area toward producing CUMULATIVE (co-empowering) SUSTAINED IMPACT, in this "we are all in the same boat" struggle?

4- In still other "Socratic question" words:

While remaining faithful and committed to our own naturally diverse organizational and personal missions, how can we begin having "integra-cumulative" sustained effectiveness (hence synergy-causing impact—creating the needed critical mass) through mutually beneficial systemic collaboration across our various nonviolent civil society causes?


1- We believe that ours is an era in which the need for fundamental structural transformation is increasingly dire. But the effective realization of such a nonviolent systemic change requires a comprehensive movement of movements that is organized in a profoundly innovative and different manner, structurally inclusive of all nonviolent causes (i.e., peace, justice, environment, human rights, interfaith collaboration, etc.), and thus able to generate "integra-cumulative" impact sustainably. 

2- In other words, we need a grass-roots movement of movements capable of developing, in effective integrated collaboration across various civil society causes, the needed "critical mass" to effect sustained and profound systemic nonviolent change.

3- Therefore, the Chambers of Compassion initiative embodies an innovative and integrated "in the trenches" profoundly nonviolent theory-praxis HARD  work, of patiently building the needed infrastructure for systemic collaboration that is "genetically" welcoming and inclusive of various nonviolent efforts and causes, for effecting a sustained "post-modern" grass roots popular transformational uprising that is capable of generating the needed "critical mass" for effective and sustained systemic REAL change for the better.



1- Chambers of Compassion symbolically and actually practice SYSTEMIC INTERSECTIONAL EXCHANGE OF COMPASSION. The Chamber of each region is an independently functioning not-for-profit non-partisan, facilitative, and horizontal movement of movements META-organization that aims to help the civil society become integrated, hence effective. 

2- As emphasized and repeated, by necessity (above) NON-PARTISAN Chambers of Compassion are NOT yet another initiative to add to, and unintentionally compete with, the already existing peace, justice, human rights, interfaith-dialogue, Earth-protection, etc. efforts and groups within the civil society of their respective areas. Hence, such Chambers have no ideology, religion, spirituality, agenda, or action of their own, while the diverse persons and groups that come together within them may have such tendencies.

3- Given the Chambers of Compassion's foundationally collaborative and integrational grassroots nature, the efforts, projects, campaigns, and actions that result from its process of community organizing reflect (organically and unavoidably) the authentic and unique needs of the communities within which our Chambers of Compassion form and function. 

Further Structural Thoughts on the Chambers of Compassion's WHY? 

a) The Chambers of Compassion movement of movement's ambitious and demanding (but not impossible) mission is to cause foundational change by facilitating the co-creation of a comprehensive grid of autonomous Chambers integrated in systemic and synergistic collaboration across the U.S., and eventually around the world, through the carefully planned nonviolent actions of each area's gradually evolving "common-ground" civil society projects and campaigns. 

b) In other words (and quite critically), rather than the modernist temptation toward the "unification of mission or identity" under one overall umbrella (hence unavoidable hierarchy), this is a "post-modern" method of systemic co-organizing that aims to build a comprehensive movement of movements through the "co-strengthening integration of the results" (or impacts) of "indigenous" civil society struggles that are currently relatively un-integrated, if not fragmented.

c) Our ethically informed core objective is developing this elusive "integra-cumulative impact" which is required by dire necessity, if we are to help produce the needed "critical mass" for real (not cosmetic) change sustainably--and not episodically or crisis-specifically. This is what is needed to actualize profound peaceful change on our deeply distressed Grandmother Earth--before it is too late.

d) Therefore, "We the People" will tackle this profoundly challenging task non-ideologically, democratically, systematically, interfaithfully, and interculturally--hence "integra-cumulatively," -- i.e., this grassroots co-empowering co-integration process is impact-centered. It will try to integrate, not "unify" the inevitably and invaluably diverse (but currently fragmented) nonviolent actions and efforts of our "divided and conquered" American civil society. This morally required diversity-cherishing integrated nonviolent struggle is profoundly needed at this troubled point in our history.


e) Because "We the People" are struggling against militarism/violence, injustice/inequality, and nature abuse/ecocide. This  American nonviolent movement of movements is critically necessary for restoring a Grandmother Earth on which all potentials of life, in nurtured synergy, balance, and justice, would flourish sustainably in the peaceful bosom of true wisdom.


The "Chambers of Commerce" Analogy (Part Two) 

1- Built on previously outlined more general sections, here are some more details regarding the critical movement-building significance of the above-mentioned distinction between Chambers of Compassion and "Chambers of Commerce." 

2- In each community of significant size there is a "Chamber of Commerce" with the mission of "facilitating mutually strengthening systemic collaboration" (hence fostering "integra-cumulative impact") among FOR-PROFIT corporations and businesses.

3- Thus, Chambers of Commerce (at all levels, local, regional, national, and international) do not favor certain industries over other ones, especially systemically. By contrast, but similarly, due to the dialogue-centered and networking nature of our Chambers of Compassion, we strive (systemically and practically) to co-strengthen collaboratively the not-for-profit civil society efforts of any given area regardless of action or struggle, i.e., peace, justice, environment, human rights, interfaith dialogue and collaboration, etc.

4- In other words, the Chamber of Commerce of each area is "genetically" prohibited from engaging in any form of for-profit business of its own (or favoring one industry or corporation over another), thus preserving its systemic neutrality, so that it can be (and remain) a welcoming "container" for the systemic collaboration (despite competition) of all corporations and businesses that pursue private profit. 

5- On the other hand, we as civil society actors of our areas, currently do not have a similar agenda-free welcoming container, THAT IS CALLED BY THE SAME NAME REGARDLESS OF LOCATION, for effective systemic collaboration among our nonviolent not-for-profit civility pursuits. Thus our efforts are not effectively connected through systemic collaboration (especially geographically) to the civil society efforts in other areas/communities. So similar to the Chambers of Commerce, our agenda-free civility-welcoming space are called, in all locations, Chambers of Compassion or Intersectional Circles.

6- Thus, civility-loving activists and groups (who have accepted the Chambers of Compassion's mission) come together in the un-biased welcoming space of their area's Chamber for the purpose of building systemic collaboration across compassionate nonviolent civil society causes and struggles. 

7- This not-for-profit intersectional coming together (as in the "Chambers of Commerce” of for-profit corporations) will inevitably result in mutually beneficial collaborative projects or actions, reflecting each community's needs. But because the Chambers of Compassion cannot engage in any actions of their own (for the reasons explained) such integrated civil society collaborations evolve among the area's action-capable groups (or individuals) that come together within the Chamber of Compassion. Thus, the mission of our Chambers of Compassion is to encourage and facilitate pervasive co-participatory collaboration, especially in systemic movement-building struggles and actions, locally, regionally, nationally, and eventually globally.

8- In still other words, participants in our Chambers of Compassion dialogue and network in the Chamber's welcoming and impartial atmosphere (that is free of pre-determined agendas or biases in favor of one cause or struggle) thus ADDING to the strength of one another's civil society efforts systemically. 

9- In summary (and repeated here for emphasis), when the civil society actors of any given area who choose to become participants in their Chamber of Compassion decide collaboratively (using the previously described movement-building form of Socratic Inquiry--as the Chambers' underlying methodology) to undertake or support a project or action, such actors do their collaborative work through a compassionate Chamber that does not favor any pre-determined issue or struggle--similar to the Chambers of Commerce. Thus, the core mission of Chambers of Compassion is to promote pervasive participatory and systemic co-empowering civil society collaboration in the authentic public interest of its area/community.


Un-fragmenting the Civil Society: The Larger Vista

Integration of Results/Impacts Through Systemic Collaboration 

1- Because "un-fragmenting" the civil society is a central goal of the Chambers of Compassion Movement of Movements, our Chambers would initially coordinate systemically, especially the results/impacts  of their collaborative activities locally, while simultaneously (and as appropriate and possible) regionally and nationally, and eventually globally.  

2- This "Socratic integration" (i.e., un-fragmenting collaboration) among autonomously functioning local Chambers of Compassion (which should be horizontally structured non-hierarchical genuinely democratic "gatherings" of civil society actors) would eventually result in the coming-to-be of "regional integration committees" and eventually a "central or national integration council" (initially in the U.S.) focusing on the theoretical and practical integration of the currently fragmented American civil society, as described above.

3- These "regional integration committees" will be composed of the representatives of all the local Chambers of Compassion that the area of each regional committee covers; while the decision-making persons (versus advisory and honorary members) of the "central or national integration council" will be comprised of the authorized representatives of all such regional committees.

4- Going back to the local level, in the areas where civil society struggles (or awareness) either does not exist or is present minimally, the role of the volunteer participants that gather in the local Chamber of Compassion would be to stimulate creation or development of "civility" formations (such as peace groups, environmental action projects, etc.) without getting the Chamber involved in them organizationally--due to the critically important agenda-free neutrality principle outlined above.

5- Consequently, the aim of what we do is NOT to organize politically (or ideologically), although civil society participants in the Chambers of Compassion may have (and independently practice) their own political or ideological (including religious/spiritual) views, inclinations, and actions. 

6- Hence, we believe that once the civil society is organized effectively in a communally rigorous manner (and in a sense "pre-politically) the critical mass that is needed for authentic transformation (including at the public policy level) will inevitably develop. And, such a civil society critical mass will organically find its own healthy way of democratic political organizing; evidenced, for example, by the U.S. Presidential Campaigns of Senator Bernie Sanders in 2016 and 2020.



MAY ENCOURAGE AND FACILITATE -- as appropriate and possible 

Collaboration-Enhancing Free-of-Charge Community-Supportive Services: 

Mediation, Conflict Resolution, and Consensus-Building for the Civil Society

1- In order to join compassionate hands in more effective systemic collaboration through nonviolence, Chambers of Compassion (in each area) may encourage and support community-initiated free-of-charge IMPARTIAL mediation, conflict resolution, and consensus-building services, as appropriate and possible. 

2- The goal would be to help nurture genuine mutually beneficial relationships, including systemic and practical collaborations within and among local persons, groups, and organizations already engaged nonviolently in the area's civil society actions and struggles.

3- Clearly, the offering of such Chamber of Compassion-supported (collaboration-enhancing) services in one area may be modeled or adopted by other Chambers around the country, especially regionally, applied to the unique characteristics and needs of each area. 

Some Initial Guidelines and General Action Steps

Chambers of Compassion members or participants (in a given area or even a relatively large region) who have relevant skills--and deep compassion--may volunteer to facilitate more effective community collaborations by offering their free conflict-reduction services to the civil society actors of the area, observing the following guidelines:

a) The area's Chamber of Compassion only supports the kind of civil society attempts at mediation, conflict resolution, and consensus-building that are INFORMAL and thus completely NON-BINDING, especially legally. 

b) Such collaboration-enhancing services are offered completely voluntarily by well-meaning and qualified members or participants of the area's Chamber of Compassion, acting as free-agent individuals. This means that such services are not offered or administered BY the Chamber as an organization. 

Why this aspect needs to emphasized?

c) This notion is emphasized, due to this intrinsic characteristic of the Chambers of Compassion initiative, provisioned to ensure the crucial impartiality of any given area's Chamber--as repeatedly and crucially emphasized above. 

d) Given this basic rule, the collaboration-enhancing free-agent services that flow out of the activities of any given area's Chamber of Compassion are not meant to cause, in any way, a situation in which the Chamber would be (or just as important, be seen as) "unintentionally competing with" already existing persons or groups in the area who could potentially offer similar mediation, conflict resolution, and/or consensus-building services.

e) Because of this non-competitive characteristic, Chamber-associated free-agents of the area will fully respect the free-will choice of persons or groups who could potentially use the conflict-reduction services such compassionate volunteers offer. 

f) Thus, wherever applicable, when another (especially local) non-profit "collaboration-enhancer" (person or group, who is similarly qualified) offers such mediation, conflict resolution, and/or consensus-building services, the area's Chamber-affiliated volunteer free-agents will withdraw their offer of help and stand aside in favor of the local provider(s) of such conflict-reduction services.

g) Until such time that the civil society of any given area (or region) becomes fully familiar with what the Chambers of Compassion do, it is advisable that at least some representatives of the local Chamber make special "orientation" presentations to potential users (i.e., persons or organizations in conflict--for example) of the above-mentioned collaboration-enhancing conflict-reduction services that are offered by the qualified participants of the area's Chamber of Compassion.

"IF [we] build it, they will come."


PAST GATHERINGS (On Zoom and in person)

1- Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) Regional Planning 


Wed. July 10, 2024, 6 to 8 PM (Pacific time)

>>> Link to the video recording of the session: -- Includes the written transcript, 

produced by Artificial "Intelligence" (AI)  

>>> More info at the bottom of this page:


- Overview of the PATH (Peace And Truth Heals) initiative and speaking tour; also see below.

- Overview of the Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) project and of its progress, so far.

- Participatory discussion, within the limits of the session's time.  


July 10, 2024 -- 6:03 PM (Pacific) 
From Steve Kramer (Meeting; Hail to Everyone from Seattle, traditional home of the Coast Salish-speaking peoples.

From Moji Agha, the session's speaker (in the Otello Neighborhood of Seattle) to Everyone: WELCOME! (

1- Chambers of Compassion / PATH (Peace And Truth Heals) web page:

2- Community-owned Nonviolence / PATH Mobile web page:

a) FIVE "Initial Point Persons" of the EIGHT Chambers of Compassion (or Intersectional Circles) that were able to be present at this initial Zoom planning meeting:  

1- Steve Kramer -- Seattle (WA) Area Chamber of Compassion 


2- Hollis Higgins -- Spokane (WA) Area Chamber of Compassion ( 

3- Gina Brooks -- Coeur d’Alene (Idaho) Area Chamber of Compassion ( 

4- Raina Woolworth -- Bozeman (Montana) Area Chamber of Compassion 

5- Cara Bissell -- Tucson (Arizona) Area Chamber of Compassion 


b) THREE "Initial Point Persons" who were not able to attend this initial meeting, but requested the recording of the session:

6- Loring Wirbel -- Colorado Springs (CO) Area Chamber of Compassion 


7- Mary Rathbun -- Sheridan (Wyoming)  Area Chamber of Compassion 


8- Colleen Curtis -- Bellingham (WA) Area Chamber of Compassion (

c) SEVEN members of the Veterans For Peace (VFP) Chapter 35 in Spokane, WA (including Rusty Nelson, Chapter President -- devoted the first hour of their monthly meeting to attending this Zoom gathering. 

Other highly interested persons who were present--and participated:

- Maxine Pendras (Tacoma, WA)
Student at the University of British Columbia, Canada--Vancouver Campus
- Mona Lee (Seattle, WA)
- John Russell (Boulder, Colorado)
- Nancy Nelson (Spokane, WA)

2- Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) Regional Planning Zoom Session (2) -- THIS GATHERING WAS HELD; 

Wed. Aug. 7, 2024, 6 to 7:30 PM (Pacific)

More info coming soon



>>> More info at the bottom of this page:

From: Moji Agha <>

Date: Sun. Jun 30, 2024 at 12:01 AM
Subject: Chambers of Compassion Planning: Zoom Invitation; July 10--re PATH (Peace And Truth Heals)


Inviting all lovers of peace and justice to three Zoom gatherings (see below) to plan regionally the simultaneous "grand-opening" in early October, 2024 (connected via Zoom) of a number of Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles), as proposed by the Peace And Truth Heals (PATH) speaking tour and initiative. 

>>> More info: 

Chambers of Compassion: Implementation Process" page of PATH: 

Wed. July 10, 2024, 6 to 8 PM (Pacific time) -- SESSION WAS HELD--see above

2- Wed. Aug. 7, 2024, 6 to 8 PM (pacific time) -- SESSION WAS HELD--see above

3- Wed. Sept. 11, 2024, 5:30 to 7 PM (Pacific time) -- see above


June 27, 2024

Dear lovers of peace and justice who have received this email -- because you have been interested in or been actively compassionate (one way or another) with PATH-initiated Chambers of Compassion or Intersectional Circles:

Greetings in systemic integrated civil society compassion! 

As seen, in more detail, in the above-linked "Chambers of Compassion: Implementation Process" page of PATH [i.e., this page], we hope that you (and other lovers of peace and justice--especially in your respective region) would join us in the planning process that has been outlined above. 


As a result of the PATH speaking tour, summarized above and below, as of July 10, 2024 we already have AT LEAST EIGHT Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) in the process of being born in the following regions: 

1- Colorado Springs, Colorado -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Loring Wirbel; Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission.

2- Sheridan, Wyoming -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Gary Senier; Unitarian Universalist (UU) Fellowship of Sheridan and Wyoming Quakers/Friends Meeting. 

3- Bozeman, Montana -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Raina Woolworth; Dedicated intersectional climate change activist. 

4- Coeur d'Alene, Idaho -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Gina Brooks, Seasoned peace and justice community activist.

5- Spokane, Washington (state) -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Hollis Higgins; Veterans For Peace (VFP), Chapter 35, Spokane.

6- Bellingham, Washington (state) -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Colleen Curtis; Seasoned human rights community activist.

7- Seattle, Washington (state) -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Steve Kramer; Northwest Interfaith and Charter for Compassion, Environment Sector Co-Coordinator (  

8- Tucson, Arizona -- The Chamber's Initial Point Person: Cara Bissell; President, Veterans For Peace (VFP) Chapter 13, Tucson.  

9- Interest in other potential Chambers of Compassion have been expressed in Washington (state), Montana, U.S., and (possibly) in British Columbia, Canada. 

Urging you to spread the word of this exciting "movement of movements" (see the PS, below), we eagerly hope to see you (and all others who may be interested) in as many of the above-listed Zoom planning gatherings.

Please feel free to contact us for more information, contexts, and questions.

Thank you.

Peace and justice,

Moji Agha 


1- Number of Presentations (talks, teach-ins, and "un-sermons")

35 PRESENTATIONS -- mostly in person and some on Zoom.

These presentations by Moji Agha have been held during the initial phases of PATH (Peace And Truth Heals) speaking tour and movement of movement-building initiative (see DIRECTORY:; while travelling in the "nonviolence mobile" through Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Washington (state), and British Columbia, Canada. 
2- Estimated Total Number of Participants: About 500 persons--about 100 on Zoom

3- Hosts/Co-hosts

Hosts or Co-hosts of the PATH/Chambers of Compassion Talks and "Un-sermons" by Moji Agha: 

- Three peace and justice centers; 3 Veterans For Peace (VFP) Chapters; 
Northwest Interfaith / Charter for Compassion Environment Sector; 1 United Church of Canada peace and justice component (in Langley, British Columbia, Canada); 
1 Code Pink chapter--in development; Lutheran Campus Ministry and 1 high school class in Missoula, Montana; 8 Unitarian Universalist congregations; 2 Quaker Congregations; 2 Mennonite congregations; 1 United Methodist Church; 5 United Church of Christ (UCC) congregations; and an affiliate (in development) of the Jewish Voice of Peace (JVP) in Helena, Montana.    

Steve Kramer, Northwest Interfaith (and Charter for Compassion), is inviting you to all of the above-mentioned Zoom meetings.

Topic: Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) Planning Process

Steve Kramer

Charter for Compassion

Healing Ourselves, Healing the World:  Delving Deeper

Environment Sector

RISE (Religion/Interfaith/Spirituality of Earth) Sector


From: Moji Agha <> 

EXCERPT of the UPDATE # 4 (June 17, 2024--revised June 24th--original draft May 19th) 

Chambers of Compassion or Intersectional Circles: Initial Action Steps, symbolically and actually practicing SYSTEMIC INTERSECTIONAL COMPASSION EXCHANGE... 


a) I am delighted that as a result of my many presentations, during the initial phases of PATH (see the Directory of the Home page, linked above), four Veterans For Peace (VFP) Chapters have agreed to become "organizational allies" of the Peace And Truth Heals (PATH--see: AND a number of their members have shown active interest in forming the Chamber of Compassion (Intersectional Circle) of their area.

b) I believe given that it is hard to accuse veterans of being "unpatriotic" VFP Chapters are ideal initiators or supporters of the Chambers of Compassion or Intersectional Circles. 

Outline of some initial action steps:  

a) Inviting to the herein-proposed Zoom gatherings for regional planning (via email), a rather large group of Chamber-interested persons or civil society groups in most of the locations in which I made PATH presentations, including Colorado Springs (Colorado), Sheridan (Wyoming), Billings, Bozeman, Helena, Missoula, and Kalispell (Montana), and Pullman, Wenatchee, Bellingham, and Seattle (Washington state). 

b) My "big dream" is that by the end of this planning process (planned in the above-mentioned 3 regional Zoom sessions), hopefully many Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) 

c) Begin to function, initially in Seattle, Bellingham, and Spokane, Washington (state); Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; Bozeman, Montana; Sheridan, Wyoming; Colorado Springs, Colorado (AND in some of the other above-mentioned locations), after 

d) CELEBRATING THEIR JOINT PHYSICAL (connected on Zoom) "GRAND OPENING" in the first week of October, 2024--followed by a yummy "systemic compassion" potluck in each location; and 

e) I believe this JOINT multi-location "grand-opening" (live on Zoom) should include music, dance, art, etc; 

f) In other words, our building of this compassion-centered systemic infrastructure for our "movement of movements" should be able to hopefully make news, and at least grab the attention (and imagination) of the usually discouraged "activist" communities in the above-mentioned areas--and elsewhere in the U.S. and Canada.   

g) I suggest that we have a "point person" for each of the above-mentioned Chambers of Compassion; and I will continue to be the "cheerleader-at-large" of this "big dream" -- which is nonetheless realistic -- given that "If [we] build it, they will come."

h) So "fasten your seatbelts" and let us continue talking on the "PATH."

Thanks for being fearless.  

Peace and justice,

Moji Agha


On Mon, Jun 17, 2024 at 4:56 PM hh higgins <> wrote:

Dear Fellow Travelers on the Journey of Compassion;

As we gather for the work presented to us by our Brother Moji Agha, let's extend gratitude to our friend who has connected us at a time when Our Humanity is seeking raising of our consciousness, a paradigm shift for the benefit of all. Let's embrace the message.

VFP Chapter #35 in Spokane Washington is already related to many on this young list who understand the situation we face. To the extent we are able to encourage such an endeavor, as the Chamber of Compassion presents, we have presented Moji to our constituents and have signed on to be one of the centers of this courageous offering.

We will join the upcoming zoom calls in July, August, and September, as well as notify others of interest in this universal cause to join as well. On October 5th, 2024 we look forward with Great Heart and enthusiasm to celebrating with all Chambers as we join for a potluck, music, poetry. And we have also invited leaders of the Dances of Universal Peace to bring joy into our celebration. It is truly a time for our communities to gather for aligning our Sacred Lands and Lives with Peace.

We are in communication with the VFP Chapter in Missoula, Montana and have a long time relationship with our well-loved friends at VFP in Seattle, Washington. We will meet with our new acquaintance along the journey of connection on Wednesday (June 19th) as we introduce ourselves with Brother Steven Kramer of Seattle's Northwest Interfaith in Spokane.

In every arc of human consciousness there is the introduction of an element of consciousness which compels us to act on behalf of Our Humanity for the Good of All. This is that time for us, making space for a Great Blessing to appear, which catalyzes all thing for the good of all.

Gratitude for Moji, and Message,

Gratitude for Interfaith Connections,

Gratitude for Capacity & Opportunity to Work On That Which Has Been Spoiled,

Gratitude for Appearance of the Sacred,

For VFP, Spokane/(President Rusty Nelson is at a family reunion)

Hollis Higgins


On Tue, Jun 11, 2024 at 12:08 AM Steven Kramer <> wrote:


Greetings brother Moji, 

Here in Seattle, I am excited by your idea of forming local chapters of “Chambers of Compassion,” or Intersectional Circles, across several states as part of your PATH initiative. Northwest Interfaith is looking forward to being an organizational ally of PATH.  


For some time I have been dreaming of a way to build collaborative connections amongst activist NGOs in the Seattle area to support each other in the work we are doing.  Too often we find ourselves isolated within our own silos.  Your idea of modeling this after Chambers of Commerce truly resonates with me.  I truly believe we are stronger together. 

As President of Northwest Interfaith (, I agree to be our point person for the process of forming a Seattle area Chamber of Compassion, with other local organizations and individuals.  I understand this is in conjunction with other groups forming in Washington, Montana, Wyoming, and Colorado.  I am looking forward to seeing how this effort bears fruit. 


Steve Kramer

Northwest Interfaith



On Wed, May 29, 2024, 8:42 AM Loring Wirbel <> wrote:



This is Loring from Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission, in Colorado Springs, CO.  

Brother Moji's ideas sound fine...We are exploring whether a local veterans' peace group would also be willing to join, and will check back to let you know.




Circles of Nonviolence on the Charter for Compassion page

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us, we say: Peace And Truth Heals (PATH). You are  HERE   >>>     PATH's  Home Page    FALL 2024 UPDATE Phase Three of the PAT...