us, we say: Peace And Truth Heals (PATH).
You are HERE >>> PATH's Home Page
As a project of the Iranian Nonviolence component of
PATH, please see: Peace-seeking Iranian Veterans
Phase Four (Jan. thru April 2025) of the PATH/Chambers of Compassion Speaking Tour--mostly on Zoom:
>>> To go to the Chambers of Compassion's step-by-step
procedures page, click here:
Basic info, the PATH project summary (including the Chambers of Compassion, and the THREE GOALS of PATH), the initiative's two-part DIRECTORY, its Related Initiatives, and the link to its Special Endorsements page, as well as to Moji Agha's biography, and more information and context, are All below.
NOTE: To go to the Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) Implementation Process page (created on June 24, 2024), click on this link:
2- Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR Tents)
3- Iranian Nonviolence (Un-demonization Clubs)
>>> Also see "Our Worship, Your House" initiative in the "THREE GOALS" (and the "Three Presentations" of PATH) of this site--linked below.
NOTE: Go to THIS page to see what Prof. Noam Chomsky, Prof. Richard Falk, and other "special endorsers" say about PATH.
Peace And Truth Heals (PATH) including the Chambers of Compassion initiative (see the DIRECTORY sections, below) is a peace-building educational speaking tour of Western U.S. and Canada, by Moji Agha (an Iranian-American sufi "monk" or dervish) driving his "nonviolence mobile."
The talks and Q & A segments of this physical (and on Zoom) journey of civility, that began in 2024) are hosted by many civil society groups and spiritual congregations. The dialogue-based truth-telling of PATH's "decolonization" drive aims to foster peace and nonviolence, as well as systemic "intersectional" collaborative civil society movement-building.
Whereas for-profit corporations and industries have "Chambers of Commerce" (that are called the same everywhere) for the purpose of building systemic collaboration and geographic coordination, the purpose of our strictly not-for-profit "Chambers of Compassion" is to build a similar kind of systemic synergy for the not-for-profit nonviolent civil society of every community, guided by the core value of compassion.
The "No Honorarium" Note
DIRECTORY -- Its section 2 is below.
- Click THIS PAGE for the Warm-up Phase of the PATH Speaking Tour
(Prior to late April of 2024)
- Click HERE for Phase One
- Click HERE for Phase Two
- Click HERE for Phase Three
>>> For PHASE FOUR (Jan. thru April of 2025) click here:
PHASE FIVE (May thru August 2025)
>>> https://natr-peace.blogspot.
- Click the Phase Four page (linked above), which in addition to announcing our speaking tour's events, it also has an outline of PATH's THREE GOALS.
For a summary of the active implementation steps of the Peace And Truth Heals (PATH)/Chambers of Compassion/Peace-seeking Iranian Veterans (PIV) Initiative.
This "peace pilgrim" effort will continue beyond 2024, as possible, in a "younger" more eco-friendly community-owned Nonviolence/PATH Mobile -- please see the link to its page below, in the Section Two of this DIRECTORY.
NOTE: To go to the Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) Implementation Process page (created on June 24, 2024), click on this link:
The Overall Organizing Objective of PATH
Encouraging the formation, in each community, of the following:
a) An Un-demonization Club--flowing out of the Iranian Nonviolence Initiative, and b) A NATR Tent (resulting from the Native/American Truth and Reconciliation Initiative) which would then (hopefully) collaborate systematically within the Intersectional Circle (IC) of the area.
Run by interested local volunteers who are deeply committed to nonviolent struggle, such independently functioning strictly not-for-profit ICs, Tents, and Clubs will be incubated (and hosted) free of charge, within the appropriate churches or civil society groups that exist in the area.
NOTE: For an introductory summary profile (including the goals) of our "PATH" educational peace-building speaking tour, and to see the summary biography of brother Moji, please see THIS PAGE in the organizational website of JUUstice Washington, which is the Unitarian Universalist State Action Network in Washington State.
Peace And Truth Heals (PATH) Speaking Tour and Initiative:
- Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles);
- Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR); and
- Iranian Nonviolence
By: Moji Agha (Mojtaba Aghamohammadi), driving his "fragile nonviolence mobile."
PATH is an educational, collaborative, movement-building, and dialogue-centered (talk and Q & A) speaking tour; see its "3 presentations" section immediately below.
The physical aspect of this journey of peace (see below) travels through the Western regions of the U.S. and Canada, and its Phase One is expected to formally commence with Moji Agha's 2-hour main presentation in Boulder or Denver, Colorado. >>> See the Directory (section one), above.
The PATH initiative's hope is that this "effort of the heart" would help to pave the "PATH" of genuine healing of all, through peace and truth, on our deeply traumatized Grandmother Earth.
At various times and locations throughout this speaking tour (see its two-part Directory, above and below) Moji Agha's talks will take the form of one or more of the following 3 presentations in any given area, as possible and desired:
a) The tour's two-hour main presentation, namely an introductory talk followed by an extensive Q & A segment, intended for the general community. Brother Moji will start such gatherings with a half-hour introduction to the three core topics around which this PATH speaking tour has been organized, namely: Iranian Nonviolence (Un-demonization Clubs), Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR Tents), and Intersectional Circles (Chambers of Compassion) initiatives.
b) Wherever possible and desired, a three-hour workshop/teach-in, intended for the more activist-oriented members of the community, and of the participating civil society groups or spiritual congregations--see above and below. In these more in-depth interactive gatherings the speaking tour's above-mentioned 3 topics will be explored a bit more extensively, as permitted by time.
c) Wherever possible and desired, when the speaking tour brings brother Moji to an area's UU congregation (or other open-minded church or spiritual group) on a Sunday, he has offered to give a sunday service-type Sufism-informed (in part) "un-sermon" covering the general topic of the spiritual and moral/ethical dimensions of nonviolent "civility" activism.
NOTE: To go to the Chambers of Compassion (Intersectional Circles) Implementation Process page (created on June 24, 2024), click on this link:
- Click THIS PAGE for the PATH Initiative's slowly developing page
that lists our Organizational Allies.
- Click THIS PAGE to see the PATH-inspired
local nonviolent community initiatives.
- Click THIS PAGE to see the "Nonviolence / PATH Mobile" page.
- Click HERE to see the page that outlines:
a) About a dozen UU (and related) letters of introduction and support (2013 to 2024) for PATH and its previous speaking tours--including some background; and,
b) The history of the more than 15 Unitarian Universalist (UU) Congregations in the Western States of the U.S. that hosted (between 2013 and 2023) the "Peace Pilgrim" talks of PATH's Founder, brother Moji Agha.
- Click HERE to read an analytical essay (containing a historical review) by Moji Agha, of the events immediately following the June of 2009 electoral coup in Iran, resulting in the Green Movement--a nonviolent uprising that was subsequently crushed.
Go to THIS page for PATH's "special endorsement" statements
- Click HERE for a relatively detailed biography of Moji Agha that also includes a summary bio.
Day One of a March of 2003 (Tucson, Arizona) Iraq War 24/7 peace vigil that brother Moji founded--more info in the above-linked biography page.
Special Announcement
2023 Nobel Peace Prize AWARD CEREMONY
(Oslo, Norway--Sunday, Dec. 10, 2023)
NOTE: This effort's Date of Birth is
September 27, 2023
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