PHASE FOUR: JAN thru APRIL, 2025 of PATH (Peace And Truth Heals) / Chambers of Compassions' Implementation Phase


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As a project of the Iranian Nonviolence component of 

PATH, please see: Peace-seeking Iranian Veterans 



NOTE: This page outlines the gradually developing implementation phases of the PATH/Chambers of Compassion initiative, and thus, it will be revised and updated, as needed.  


Phase Four of the Chambers of Compassion/PATH speaking tour -- On Zoom & in person, where possible: 

Jan. thru April of 2025 -- Beyond the speaking tour's initial 3 phases--see the Directory in the Home page, linked above

UPDATED NOTE (Dec. 25, 2024) 

Moji Agha's presentations in this Phase Four (Jan. thru April 2025) of the PATH/Chambers of Compassion speaking tour will be on Zoomnot in person, except in the case of his travelling and speaking within the nearby locations in Colorado--also please see below:  

a) Upcoming Gatherings: 

NOTE: More gatherings/events of this speaking tour (mostly on Zoom) 
will be announced, below, as they become scheduled/finalized. 

1) Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR) Initiative  

2) Intersectional Circles (IC) Initiative

3) Iranian Nonviolence and Peace Initiative: Toward an Iranian Truth and Reconciliation Process -- Including Peace-seeking Iranians Veterans (PIV)


At various times and locations throughout this speaking tour (see its two-part Directory, in the Home Page) Moji Agha's talks will take the form of one or more of the following 3 presentations in any given area, as possible and desired: 

a) The tour's two-hour main presentation, namely an introductory talk followed by an extensive Q & A segment, intended for the general community. Brother Moji will start such gatherings with a half-hour introduction to the three core topics around which this PATH speaking tour has been organized, namely: Iranian Nonviolence (Un-demonization Clubs--see the Three Goals section, below), Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR Tents), and Intersectional Circles (Chambers of Compassion) initiatives. 

b) Wherever possible and desired, a three-hour workshop/teach-in, intended for the more activist-oriented members of the community, and of the participating civil society groups or spiritual congregations--see the Home page. In these more in-depth interactive gatherings the speaking tour's above-mentioned 3 topics will be explored a bit more extensively, as permitted by time.          

c) Wherever possible and desired, when the speaking tour brings brother Moji to an area's UU congregation (or other open-minded church or spiritual group) on a Sunday, he has offered to give a sunday service-type Sufism-informed (in part) "un-sermon" covering the general topic of the spiritual and moral/ethical dimensions of nonviolent "civility" activism. 


The PATH Speaking Tour has the Following 


Iranian Nonviolence Goals:

• To reduce the level of systematic dehumanization and demonization of Iranians and Muslims in North America, by a) familiarizing the PATH speaking tour's audience with the rich and ancient heritage of indigenous Iranian nonviolence, and b) by encouraging an "Un-demonization Club" to be formed in each community; and thus

• To help support or build the needed foundations for various forms of peace-building dialogue between Iranians (inside Iran, as possible) and North-Americans, as a non-colonial way of supporting the nonviolent civil society struggles of the Iranian people, who are seeking "good governance," democracy, human rights, social justice, religious freedom, ecological preservation, etc.

• To talk about (and promote, as appropriate and possible) this "America For Nonviolence" initiative: "Our Worship, Your House: An Abrahamic Peace Tent Interfaith Exchange of Oneness" , an open-minded church, synagogue, and mosque, located in the same general region, collaboratively decide to make available to the willing members of their respective congregations, the option of conducting, on a rotational basis, their respective regular weekly Islamic, Jewish, and Christian congregational worship services (hence "our worship") inside or outside of the house of worship of "the other" two Abrahamic faith traditions (hence "your house"); on two successive Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR) Goals: 

• To help solidify the understanding that the initial impetus and moral/ethical responsibility for such a genuine NATR drive should be moved forward by the "whites" (especially in the U.S.), who would then stretch their pleading hands toward the indigenous people of the continent, requesting their collaborative participation; and thus 

• To help foster and build an effective nonviolent grassroots movement (by encouraging a "NATR Tent" to be formed in each community) that would demand, effectively, a genuine and comprehensive NATR process of authentic healing, obviously supporting the already existing "residential schools" truth and reconciliation foundations in both sides of the Canada-U.S. border; and

• To help facilitate effective cross-border collaboration, among the interested civil society groups and spiritual congregations in the U.S. and Canada, toward actualizing such a civilizing nonviolent grassroots NATR process and sustained organized movement, and thus, working for the realization of the in-depth healing of both the victims as well as the perpetrators.

Intersectional Circles (IC) Goals: 

• To help build and foster the needed deep grassroots understanding for a critically important nonviolent "Chamber of Compassion" Intersectional Circles (IC) movement of movements; and

• To begin the hard journey to actually form as many effective ICs as possible (initially locally), in order to build and/or strengthen an integrated not-for-profit infrastructure for systemic collaboration across various community-rooted civil society causes and struggles; and thus

• To help bring together systemically (while preserving and enhancing diversity)  our  presently highly fragmented civil society, so that through such an effective IC movement of movements we can then help develop the badly needed "critical mass" for an authentically sustainable evolution toward true civility on our deeply distressed Grandmother Earth.

Overall Organizing Objective of PATH

Encouraging the formation, in each community, of the following: 

a) An Un-demonization Club--flowing out of the Iranian Nonviolence Initiative, and 
b) A NATR Tent (resulting from the Native/American Truth and Reconciliation 

Initiative) which would then collaborate systematically within the 

Intersectional Circle (IC) of the area.  


Run by interested local volunteers who are deeply committed to

nonviolent struggle, such independently functioning strictly not-for-

profit ICs, Tents, and Clubs will be incubated (and hosted) free of charge, 

within UUs or other appropriate churches or civil society groups that exist in their respective area.  

More content coming in due time... 


Related Initiatives 


>>>  Related Congressional Hearing -- May 12, 2022: SEE HERE.

Unitarian Indian Boarding School 

and WA Interfaith Response to the Burials -- July 27, 2021 -- SEE HERE.

Initiatives founded by Moji Agha: 

1- Native/American Truth and Reconciliation (NATR) Initiative--SEE HERE. 


Please note, in particular, the NATR Initiative's Standing Rock inspired


A Needed Preamble (January 2017)

For obvious moral/ethical and historical reasons, we believe that the initial impetus and demand for the herein envisioned "truth and reconciliation" drive should emerge from, and be substantively moved forward by, the morally sensitive "whites" especially in the U.S., in a similar way that "white" South Africans (whose consciences were becoming increasingly awake) finally accepted the moral/ethical responsibility of saying NO to Apartheid; and hence they placed themselves in the forefront of the Truth and Reconciliation process in South Africa, stretching their pleading hands toward "blacks" (and other civility actors) requesting their collaborative participation. It is in this way that such a glorious (and living) chapter in the civilizing history of nonviolence was written, through the profoundly healing collaboration of the perpetrators and the victims. 

In other words, what this potentially historic NATR initiative seeks should never become (or be allowed to be seen) as "yet another Indian grievance." 

Thus, at an appropriate time (and after the necessary dialogues and consultations) our initiative will obviously need to FORMALLY seek the Blessing, approval, guidance, and active collaborative participation of the Native Leaders/Elders (and their communities) whose moral/ethical/spiritual civilizing guidance will (in particular) be integrally indispensable to the genuine healing (of the oppressed as well as the oppressors) that this history-making undertaking for authentic peace and justice shall (hopefully) bring to authentic manifestation.  

2- Intersectional Circles (IC) Initiative--SEE HERE.

Please note the link to the Culture-analysis Institute in this IC site.    

3- Iranian Nonviolence Initiative--SEE HERE.

Please note that this initiative is currently suspended, due to the 
harsh security conditions inside Iran. 

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